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2024/6/17 3:34:40发布110次查看
bug 3028673--oracle on aix does not share many const structs - per process memory overhead 即:oracle on ibm aix platfor
bug 3028673--oracle on aix does not share many const structs - per process memory overhead
即:oracle on ibm aix platforms (aix 5l and 4.3.3) use a large amount of memory per dedicated connection. for oracle 9.2 on aix 5l the memory required per idle oracle process appears to be about 5mb. a significant portion of this is related to non-shared const structures (probably about 1mb) .造成这个问题是因为aix上c的编译器问题,,使得本来可以共享的部分,最后都没有共享,造成每个连接进程都浪费了大约1mb的内存。
如果担心是由于使用c编译器而带来的oracle 进程占用了过多的内存,则可以通过以下方法来修正这个问题。oracle软件本身没有补丁,但是可以通过修改系统环境变量和给系统打补丁来修正。
如果操作系统是aix 5.2一下版本的,只要一个办法去修改环境变量.
如果操作系统是aix 5.2以上(含5.2),则最好打系统补丁iy49415,并relink oracle产品.
安装aix apar iy49415补丁.
1) save your current version of $oracle_home/oracle
2) create a working directory $oracle_home/relink
3) cd to $oracle_home/relink
4) unzip the relinking package
5) link $oracle_home/bin/oracle to ./oracle0
6) run the script ./genscript to generate some required files and scripts
7) run ./relink.sh to generate the new oracle binary oracle0.new.$$
8) copy oracle0.new.$$ to $oracle_home/bin/oracle and verify that the permissions match the original oracle binary.


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